Project Team

We’re a group of Idaho library workers intent on making information literacy accessible through OERs (open educational resources). You can follow along with—or even contribute to—the development of this project on our team page at the Rebus Community Open Textbook Directory or on GitHub .

Version Information

This is version 0.9.1 of this resource—a version we are happy to share publicly while still refining some rough edges.

We will document any notable changes to this project in our changelog. We also will use Semantic Versioning. We encourage OER practitioners to adopt similar practices in detailing the changes in their resources, whether with these models or new ones more suited to OER.

5Ps of This Work

Open educational resources permit what David Wiley terms the 5Rs of open: retain, revise, remix, reuse, and redistribute.

We’d like to introduce a complementary set of 5Ps, information we’d like to see become standard in the descriptions of other OER projects: primary intended audience, potential additional audiences, purpose, plans, and provenance.

5Ps of this work:

  • Primary Intended Audience: Public library workers
  • Potential Additional Audiences: Any library workers; patrons
  • Purpose: Introducing an emerging information literacy model (SIFT) to public library workers, plus eventually applying that model to specific domains, such as health/medical information or privacy
  • Plans: Additional modules that apply information literacy to specific domains, such as health information literacy or privacy & data collection as information literacy
  • Provenance: This is the initial OER, not primiarily an adaptation of another work. (Although conceptually this work employs Caulfield’s SIFT Moves model and related resources, as well as the Stanford Civic Online Reasoning resources, this work is written with library workers in mind. It is not primarily an adaptation of any specific document or artifact of those concepts.)


Except where otherwise noted, this site is licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 License. You’re welcome to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, provided you give attribution. Individual elements may use other Creative Commons licenses, as noted on each element.

Adopting, Collaborating, or Adapting This Resource

We encourage you to adopt this, adapt this, or even collaborate with us on refining it further. Please reach out via GitHub or our team page at the Rebus Community Open Textbook Directory

You are also free to adapt this to your needs. If you’re familiar with GitHub Pages, you can fork this repository and make a site of your own. Otherwise, you’re free to recreate the contents in a platform of your choosing, provided you include attribution to our project.

Whatever you do with this, we’d appreciate you letting us know that you are using it. Please reach out via our Rebus Community page or on GitHub!

All Contributors


Thanks to these wonderful people! (emoji key)

Name Contributions
Allison Floyd :calendar: :thinking:
Annie Gaines :art: :computer: :fountain_pen: :thinking:
Devin Becker :thinking:
Elisabeth Shook :thinking:
Jonathan Lashley :calendar: :fountain_pen: :thinking:
Kristin Whitman :calendar: :thinking:
Ryan Randall :art: :fountain_pen: :computer: :thinking: :microscope:
Tyler McLane :thinking: :microscope:

Emoji Key

Emoji Contribution
:computer: code
:fountain_pen: content
:art: zines & web design
:thinking: ideas
:calendar: project management
:microscope: research & literature review

We use the All Contributors specification for recognizing all types of contribution to this project.


This website is made using Jekyll, hosted on GitHub Pages, and uses the Minimal Mistakes Remote Theme, with some customizations.

Our “Infolit Idaho” team profile icon is “Statistics” by faisalovers from the Noun Project.
